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The Dogwood

20355 54th Avenue, Langley, BC, V3A 6R5


Langley Lions Housing Society

33% of monthly gross income

Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible

The Cedar

5450 203rd Street, Langley, BC, V3A 5V1


Langley Lions Housing Society

33% of monthly gross income

Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible

Housing Finder Disclaimer

*Please note this site is for information purposes only. Contact the Housing provider directly for application information.
We cannot guarantee accuracy. Portions of the information contained on this site may also change from time to time.

Disclaimer of Endorsement: Any housing listing obtained from this directory to a specific building or housing provider does not constitute or imply an endorsement by Seniors Services Society of BC.

Disclaimer of Liability: This Directory contains links to third-party (Housing Provider) websites. While the purpose of this Directory is to include all available senior housing providers, Seniors Services Society of BC is not responsible and assumes no liability for the content or materials available on any linked third-party sites. In no event will Seniors Services Society of BC, its employees, directors, volunteers, members, and/or partners be liable for any issues arising in connection with the use of this Directory.