Managed By:Wrinch Memorial Foundation
Assisted Living Public: 70% of net income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
No Age Requirement
Managed By:Wrinch Memorial Foundation
Assisted Living Public: 70% of net income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
No Age Requirement
Managed By:Lookout Emergency Aid Society
Call for Information
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
No Age Requirement
Managed By:New Chelsea Society
30% of monthly gross income, Fixed Low Rate
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
No Age Requirement
Managed By:Lumby and District Senior Citizens Society
Fixed Low Rate
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
Managed By:BC Housing (BCHMC)
30% of monthly gross income, Shelter portion if on ministry assistance
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
No Age Requirement
BC Residency
Managed By:Mount Pleasant Housing Society
Fixed Low Rate
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
Managed By:PAL Performing Arts Lodge Vancouver
30% of monthly gross income; Fixed Low Rate
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
No Age Requirement
BC Residency
Managed By:Fernie Citizens Housing Society
Fixed Low Rate
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
Managed By:Trillium Care Communities
Assisted Living Private: approx. $1,500-7,000/month
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
Managed By:East Enders Amherst Lions Society
Fixed Low Rate
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+ or under 55 with disability