Managed By:Southvan Foundation
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
or under 55 with disability
BC Residency
Managed By:Southvan Foundation
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
or under 55 with disability
BC Residency
Managed By:Bella Coola Senior Citizens Housing Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+ or under 55 with disability
Managed By:Nelson and District Housing Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
BC Residency
Managed By:Langley Lions Housing Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+ or under 55 with disability
BC Residency
Managed By:Penticton Senior Citizens Vet Hsg Rec Soc
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
BC Residency
Managed By:M'Akola Leasehold Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+ or under 55 with disability
BC Residency
Managed By:Shon Yee Housing Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
BC Residency
Managed By:Crofton Community Centre Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+ or under 55 with disability
BC Residency
Managed By:C.U.C. Housing Society
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+
BC Residency
Managed By:City of Vancouver
30% of monthly gross income
Smoking Permitted
Wheelchair Accessible
Age Requirement: 55+ or under 55 with disability
BC Residency