Step Up for Seniors!
Walk of Ages 2025
Join us for our Walk of Ages fundraiser on Sunday, June 8th from 10am – 12 noon at Mercer Stadium and Track, 900 Sixth Street, New Westminster.
Grab your friends and family and help us raise critical funds to prevent seniors in our community from becoming homeless.
For over 40 years, Senior Services Society has been helping vulnerable seniors remain housed. We coordinate access for low-income seniors to emergency, temporary and ultimately, permanent housing. We also help prevent homelessness by providing a broad range of social, food security, transportation and support services for New Westminster seniors to remain independent. Help us create a community where seniors can age in place, comfortably, and with dignity.
We’re looking for sponsors! Showcase your grass roots community involvement and engage your employees. Learn more: WOA Sponsorship Proposal 2025.

Your tax-deductible gift today can purchase temporary housing necessities, groceries and medicines for vulnerable seniors experiencing a housing crisis.
Become a monthly donor and ensure that our elderly neighbours continue to receive the help they need, year-round.

– Set-up
– Registration/Check-in Tent
– Greeters
– Tear DownContact Paul@sssbc.ca if either you or your company would like to volunteer.

Become a Member
If you would like to become a member or renew your membership, submit the application form below.
Have Questions?
For more information visit our FAQ page, call 604-520-6621 or email info@seniorsservicessociety.ca